What is Mthwakazi Heritage Investment Fund?

This is a Mthwakazi community national wealth fund.  The primary purpose of this fund is to build a Mthwakazi community that is economically self-reliant and self-sustaining. We aim to own and control critical  business and investment sectors as well as institutions and systems that influence the everyday lives of our community. Brands associated with this Fund will own assets and store wealth both locally within Mthwakazi in Zimbabwe, as well as internationally, thereby placing our community on the world stage of fair competition against other nations and communities economically, socially and politically. 

Who we are not!

Mthwakazi Heritage Investment Fund (MHIF) - Isikhwama Sesizwe - is not a political organisation and is not affiliated with any political organisation. This is a Mthwakazi nationalist economic agenda. Our primary goal is to organise our nation into a united economic force to reckon with. Just as other nations do, we also want our nation and its people of Mthwakazi to take care of its own and self, with its own resources and wealth owned and controlled by the people of Mthwakazi for the people of Mthwakazi all around the world.

Featured member

Isimemezelo Sesikhwama Sesizwe

Become a member

The strength of a community is largely dependent on its economy and wealth. The stability of the community is ascertained by its ability to self-sustain through providing for its own members opportunities such as employment, a good education system, investment and business opportunities, provisions for affordable loans for development and expansion, land and home ownership and ultimately the ability to put food and water on the table. It is the right of every Mthwakazi citizen to enjoy the benefits of their heritage, passed down in the form of property, natural resources, land, culture etc. With the community coming together to contribute what each member can afford in cash and in equivalent value, the Fund equity amassed could be enormous enough to provide for all of Mthwakazi and their families so that the community can live a happy and prosperous life. It is our ultimate goal, that one day we can be able to utilise the strength of our wealth to secure retirement or pension earnings for all our Mthwakazi senior citizens.

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Similar Community Models

Building community wealth as opposed to individualized wealth within communities is a concept that has proven very successful with many nations. Below is a list of some of the standout examples:

  • The Chinese community with China Towns around the world.
  • The Jewish Community with vast control of wealth and major institutions around the world.
  • The South Korean community with Korea Towns around the world
  • The secluded white communities in most of Africa.
  • The Hispanic and Arab communities around the world.

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Powerful business messages by Vusi Thembekwayo and Akon

From these presentations you will have a good idea of why uMthwakazi needs isikhwama sesizwe and how such funds will be managed and invested by wealth professionals to build umnotho wesizwe. @Mthwakazi Heritage Investment fund.

Mthwakazi Economic Empowerment (MEE)

"Mthwakazi Heritage Investment Fund (MHIF)" is a Member-Funded Mthwakazi Economic Empowerment initiative.

"Ours is What We Own and Control"  "Okwethu yilokho esingabanikazi bakho njalo Lesikulawulayo"

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